Forum Software EmotivBCI BCI – OSC capturing output of example python OSC script

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  • #1661
    Frost Sebastian Kai

    Hi there, I’m writing a project to trigger an event based on an OSC “lift” event from my headset I’ve gotten the python OSC example script working and connecting to EmotiveBCI. And when I run it it gives me the following

    /com/neutral: (0.0,)
    /com/neutral: (0.0,)
    /com/lift: (0.34032198786735535,)
    /com/lift: (0.460563987493515,)
    /com/lift: (0.562188982963562,)

    on an infinite loop. I’d like to capture and execute a block of code when a /com/lift event is detected but I don’t see how to access that stream in the code. My python is so-so and as far as I can see that output is generated by the line.


    How would I go about capturing the output and triggering executing further code based on a lift event? I can’t find any other good examples and am a bit stuck.

    Thanks in advance.

    Frost Sebastian Kai

    I’ve managed to write this into the filter handler which works and prints “found lift” when I think that command. But I now want the program to return a value and exit but the “serve forever” part  means I can kill my thread but it just starts up looping again.

    How do I make it so the server exits cleanly and returns a required value once the command is detected?

    def filter_handler(address,*args):
    # print(f”{address}: {args}”)
    if (address == “/com/lift”):
    print(“Found lift”)

    luckham jerill

    Hello Sebastian,

    Thank you for your post.   Please try the script below:

    # Regular expression to match lines with “lift”
    lift_pattern = re.compile(r’/com/lift:\s+\((\d+\.\d+)\)’)

    # Function to extract data values
    def extract_lift_values(stream_data):
    lift_values = []
    lines = stream_data.strip().split(‘\n’)
    for line in lines:
    match =
    if match:
    lift_value = float(
    return lift_values

    # Call the function to get the lift values from the stream
    lift_values = extract_lift_values(stream)


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