Forum Developers Projects and Resources Share how you are using your EMOTIV Brainwear with us!

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  • #599
    Nguyen Emy


      Thank you for being part of EMOTIV’s loyal and supportive global community! We created this thread for you to share your impactful projects and applications leveraging EMOTIV’s APIs, hardware, and software with the whole EMOTIV community. Comment below to let our fellow developers and researchers know what you are working on!

      Coombes Angie

        Our team recently controlled the sound coming from the world’s largest analog synthesizer (called TONTO) using the Emotiv EPOC+ headset. It was a lot of fun! Here’s a link to a short video outlining our project:


        Nguyen Emy

          Hey Angie, I’ve watched the video, it’s soo cool! Thanks for sharing with us!

          McConnell Shannon Lynn

            For my senior capstone project in Music Technology this spring I used an Emotiv Insight with BCI-OSC running into MaxMSP exclusively to control all sounds with my own software instrument designs.  Performance metrics controlled harmonic base via velocity sensitive loop triggers, harmonic tempo, and multiple effect parameters.  Mental commands and facial gestures controlled both a 4 voice polyphonic synthesizer and a wavetable synthesizer.  I scored the piece and wrote a few etudes and accompanied Max patches for others to learn the individual parts!  This piece is titled “Telekinetic Daydream” and the only use of anything other than the Insight is hands to control volume.

            luckham jerill

              Hi Angie, Thank you for sharing. It’s an amazing use of EEG technology in music. Congratulations.

              luckham jerill

                Hello Shannon! Thank you for sharing. It’s very exciting to see projects using EEG technology. It just shows that there is so much potential out there. Congratualtions for job well done.

                Radziszewski Kacper


                  As I can see the competition is already over, but still we would like to share our project which integrates BIM (building information modelling) an architectural design methodology with Emotiv EpocX.

                  We have used the emotiv API and a python algorith, to send the data as commands to Revit software. Push, pull and hold commands are transformed into the number of levels of a building, a simple addition or subtraction of its number.

                  After several training sessions we were able to reach a series of more than 10 commands which were executed flawslessly. The video is in Polish, but there are commands spoken “pull”, “push”, “hold” by the user, as a proof. The algorithm itself had response time between the data collected and the execution in a third party software of less than 1 sec, which made it work realtime.

                  We are working on more another project for city analysis with emotiv and metrics recording which will be aided by camera caputure and machine learning vision analysys in the future, so if you are intrested you can find us at:


                  Berry Zachary David Patrick

                    Hi everyone,

                    My name is Zachary Berry and I am a London-based artist studying BA Fine Art at Central Saint Martins. I would like to share my latest project using an Emotiv Epoc+. It is a documentation of my process of making a face mask that changes colour depending on EEG data.

                    Video link:

                    My website:

                    Would love to hear what you all think of the project!

                    Schilaty Nathan

                      We are utilizing eMotiv EPOCx to identify differences of EEG in those with chronic low back pain. It is theorized that there are central sensitization changes that occur within the brain. EEG is a great tool for us to ‘window’ into the synaptic activity of the brain as it is challenged with motor control tasks.

                      Schilaty Nathan

                        We are utilizing eMotiv EPOCx to identify long-term differences of EEG in those with dementia. There are ties of dementia to the microbiome. With our clinical trial, some participants are receiving intervention to their microbiome and we will track the changes of brain synaptic activity and dementia.

                        Watson Duncan

                          I have been using emotiv Insight to record brain wave patterns during long periods of meditation, especially interested in the high amplitude Beta and Gamma waves that occur.  Interesting in hearing from anyone else doing similar personal research.

                          García Medina Luis

                            Hello yo all of you.
                            I would like to explain an idea about a possible emotiv app or software.
                            I would be very interesting to create a software for neurofeedback in order to traing the different kind of brainwaves.
                            For example, If I would want to traing my alpha waves I could programm the software for watching a movie with music (special movie and music) and the movie would stop when my brainwaves be out of range.
                            It would be important to can programm the software in order to get a mix of different levels of different brainwaves at the same time.
                            It is important too to have the possibility of configurate different levels of difficulty. This means that the software can allow to watch the movie during a time even if the brainwaves are out of range.
                            There is a software like this called “mindreflector” but actually is not possible to buy it.
                            I had one of them but now would like to have other similar for using with emotiv devices.

                            Thank you for listening to me.



                            Frettoli Simone

                              Hi Emotiv,

                              this is my project  EEG WEAVER

                              been cited in an article on Scientific America in 2022.

                              i’ve decoded EEG brainwaves into a new Language, based on fractals and attractors.
                              The result is Images, for qualitative analysis.  and Music, for fast analysis, using ears and brain as sensor.

                              Also i tried multiple experiments, and working on a study with this personalized music as stimulus.

                              i’m open to research and researcher,
                              i’m an indipendent researcher ,



                              Silenzi Patricia

                                hola Luis, contacta a neurotecnologias @

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