Forum Developers Questions & Troubleshooting Publish project

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  • #2199
    Melo Apolo Mc

      Hello all,

      I am creating a web app that will be used to research the relation between performance metrics and driving conditions, however, to achieve that and more people take part in the experiment, I need it to run on mobile (that’s why the chose for webapp). The problem is that I can’t figure a way out on how to publish the app.
      It means, that it works only in the laptop, because by starting the app, we need to approve the request in the Emotiv Launcher. But there is no Emotiv Launcher for mobiles.

      How can I use the Cortex API to avoid this request to approve the app in Emotiv Launcher?

      Silenzi Patricia

        hello Melo, solved it with emotiv pro app ?

        Melo Apolo Mc

          Hello PatriciaI solved the problem sending an email to the Emotiv Team that replied with a link to download the Launcher app on my phone. I still need to approve the execution of my app, but now I do it on my phone.

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