Forum General General questions and discussions Error connecting BCI2000 with Emotive EPOC

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  • #1761
    V Nigama

      I’m using an Emotive EPOC+ 14-channel EEG system to establish a connection using the LSLSource batch file within the BCI2000 framework, but it throws an lsl_resolve_byprop: error 1. I contacted the BCI2000 forum to resolve this issue, but they weren’t successful so far, since they weren’t familiar with LSL.

      One of the reasons they mentioned was that in the LSL protocol, data streams are registered with a “type”. The EPoC documentation about LSL should tell you which type the EPoC uses when registering its data stream. The difference could be as trivial as “EEG” instead of “EEG”. In BCI2000, a type of “EEG” is hard coded, so these two must match for the batch file to run without any error.

      I have cross-checked the source code and EPOC documentation for this; both have the same stream ‘type’. So the issue lies elsewhere. Could there be any other reason for this error?

      It’s worth noting that the BCI2000 installation has no problems.


      • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by V Nigama.
      luckham jerill

        Hello V Nigama,  Thank you for your post. Out team is investigating this issue.  Kindly email us directly at so we can directly respond to your concern.  Looking forward to your follow-up.

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