Forum Hardware Insight Different sensors on older model insight

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  • #702
    Steiner LynDee

      I got my insight through the kickstart program, so it’s an old original version. I was unaware things had changed with the hardware until I got my new sensor tips. What do I do about replacing the behind the ear sensors? Mine has a 2 prong and a 1 prong sensor in oval insets held in place with allen head screws. The new set has a 3 prong sensor tip that attaches like all the other tips, which I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do with.

      luckham jerill

        Hello Steiner,

        Thank you for your question. The new design sensor with 3 prongs can replace any of the other detachable sensors. We added this 3 prong sensor so it can comb through thick hair easily. It is recommended to be used on the Pz electrode position (the electrode that goes on the back of the head). the sensor replacement pack fit with the kickstarter Insight headset.

        The sensor that falls behind your ear are the reference sensors. We do not replace this.

        If you have other questions, please let me know.

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